A 17th century cabinet, featuring a picture of the Pope blessing the crowd in Rome, was sold off to a European private collector at the Sotheby’s for more than $ 2 million. The Exquisite Roman furniture was reunited with its missing gild wood base, which was discovered outside the toilets of a pizza restaurant in Yorkshire. The intricately decorated cabinet went off for around $2,210,000, inclusive of the buyer’s premium. Mario Tavella, head of the furniture at Sotheby’s, who had been on the lookout for the console for the past 20 years, discovered it recently in the York branch of Ask. The console is believed to have been separated from the rest of the cabinet immediately following the Second World War. With a guide price of $14, 00,000 to $ 2 million, the cabinet figured as a unit of Sotheby’s sale of significant Italian and Continental furniture.

Via: Dailymail