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Thursday, October 18, 2007



Although well known for its robotics and tiny gadgets, Japan's other secret weapon is the country's futuristic architecture. Nihon's latest design achievement is the Baria soccer ball home. Shaped exactly like a soccer ball, the 32-sided structures are made of the same durable material used to construct the famed Tokyo Dome. And, if you're not into the whole silver bubble from the future look, the company will coat the structures in any color you choose. These rooms can be used separately or fitted together to form an entire home.

Resistant to floods and earthquakes the Baria comes in three sizes: Large (about 247 sq ft.) for 35,800,000 yen ($306,310), medium for 16,800,000 yen ($143,743), and small for 3,950,000 yen ($33,796). Currently, these structures are primarily available in Japan, but the company will consider sending domes abroad if you contact them directly here.

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