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Sunday, November 29, 2015

Shout out to the Hazards of North Carolina

Hazards (from Surfline)

All the usual, and a few unique ones: rednecks, heat stroke, skin cancer, dehydration, jellyfish, sea lice, sharks, bluefish, cops, STDs, pregnancy, riptides, bar fights, tobacco (NC's finest vegetable), water spouts, turning lanes, speed limits, Bible Belt, closed-mindedness, hurricanes, lightning, floods, submerged pilings, neck-crunching tubes, jar heads, fat chicks in thongs, alcohol, dirtweed, horrible drivers, tourists, pier owners, sand traps, Breathalyzers, pirates, scalding sand, cactus, sand spurs, Jimmy Buffett, ball and nipple rash, ignorant and jaded locals, deep-fried seafood, mosquitoes, horseflies the size of your big toe and perhaps the most annoying hazard and the one most responsible for traffic accidents -- OBX stickers.