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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Project II

The Care Bears characters were created in 1981 at American Greetings, but weren't sold as toys and other products until 1983. To keep the character program secret until it was ready to be advertised, it was called Project II by American Greetings and the company's partners.

Halloween costume = mod-ed out for big human version of:


moral costume = Champ Bear is quite the athelete. He enjoys a variety of activities. He also like to teach people that winning is not everything. It is all about having fun!

The 10 of the Original Care Bears:

Name: Bedtime Bear
Gender: Male
Tummy Symbol:
Info: Bedtime Bear likes to stay up all night. He's the special bear who helps people get a good night's sleep and makes sure they have sweet dreams. There's no better bear for a goodnight hug.

Name: Birthday Bear
Gender: Male
Tummy Symbol:
Info: Have a birthday coming up? Well Birthday Bear is just the care bear to get the party started. Birthday Bear is quite the party bear!

Name: Cheer Bear
Gender: Female
Tummy Symbol:
Info: Cheer Bear is a very happy Care Bear who likes to help others see the bright side of life. She will sometimes even do a cheer to help make someone happier.

Name: Friend Bear
Gender: Female
Tummy Symbol:
Info: Need a good friend? Friend Bear would love to be your best buddy bear. She's the perfect example of a friend, too. She's caring, likes to play with you and she's fun to be with.

Name: Funshine Bear
Gender: Male
Tummy Symbol:
Info: Funshine Bear is the Care Bear's class clown. This playful bear really knows how to be funny and to have fun. Funshine Bear works hard to make sure that people have a good time.

Name: Good Luck Bear
Gender: Male
Tummy Symbol:
Info: Good Luck Bear is loaded with luck and he loves to share it with anyone who can use a little more good fortune. You'll almost always find this bear with a big smile on his face.

Name: Grumpy Bear
Gender: Male
Tummy Symbol:
Info: Grumpy Bear frowns a lot—that's his way to show us how silly we look when we frown too much. He also shows that it's okay to be grumpy sometimes.

Name: Love-a-Lot Bear
Gender: Female
Tummy Symbol:
Info: Love-a-lot Bear believes in the power of love, but is not afraid to help it along. She's a pretty and perky bear who loves everything about love and tries to make it grow wherever she goes.

Name: Tenderheart Bear
Gender: Male
Tummy Symbol:
Info: Tenderheart is a loving and lovable bear who knows lots about helping others share their feelings. By helping people show they care, Tenderheart Bear helps spread love and make it grow.

Name: Wish Bear
Gender: Female
Tummy Symbol:
Info: Wish Bear loves making wishes and believes that everybody should make a wish even though it might not come true. Sometimes though Wish Bear can magically make a wish come true, but not always. It's still fun to make a wish even though it might not come true.

Later, the following Care Bears were added to the family:

Name:Baby Hugs
Gender: Female
Tummy Symbol:
Info: Baby Hugs loves to give hugs. You can never get by her without getting a hug from her. Her partner in crime is Baby Tugs. Whenever those two are together, things are bound to getting interesting.

Name:Baby Tugs
Gender: Male
Tummy Symbol:
Info: Baby Tugs likes to explore which is why you will usually find him to some sort of mischievious activity. But all is good. Baby Tugs just has a curious mind and like to learn as much as he can so he can be a smart care bear when he grows up. He loves to hang around with Baby Hugs Bear. Whenever those two are together, things are bound to getting interesting.

Name:Champ Bear
Gender: Male
Tummy Symbol:
Info: Champ Bear is quite the athelete. He enjoys a variety of activities. He also like to teach people that winning is not everything. It is all about having fun!

Gender: Female
Tummy Symbol:
Info: Grams Bear is just like any other grandma. She loves her grand kids and loves their compant. She's also filled with advice if you ever need them.

Name:Secret Bear
Gender: Male
Tummy Symbol:
Info: Got a secret to keep but you're just dying to tell someone? Well you can tell Secret Bear and your secret will be safe. Secret Bear is great at keeping secrets!

Name:Share Bear
Gender: Female
Tummy Symbol:
Info: Share Bear loves to share whatever she has with you. If anyone know how to share, it's Share Bear.
notgeld banknote 1921
A 50 Pfennig Notgeld banknote from 1922 issued by the town of Kunzendorf, Upper Silesia, Germany (after 1945 Kończyce, Poland) (www.germannotes.com)
50 Pfennig Notgeld banknote from 1922 issued by the town of Kunzendorf, Upper Silesia, Germany (after 1945 Kończyce, Poland)

New filming rules porposed on federal lands


We were alerted yesterday via the Art Law Blog that the U.S. Department of the Interior is gearing up to change motion and still photography rules on federally run lands. In an amendment to current regulations, three DOI agencies, the Bureau of Land Management, Fish and Wildlife Services, and the National Park Service, will be authorized to charge standardized fees to and require a permit from commercial photographers who want to shoot in an area under their charge.

Some people aren't so thrilled about the change, including the Society of Professional Journalists, which has drafted a letter protesting the amendments. The letter, signed by 18 other organizations, expresses their "strong concern over the possible negative impact of the proposed rule on the First Amendment rights of a free press."

As we all know, D.C. is riddled with federal land, particularly under the NPS. Rock Creek Park, Meridian Hill Park, the National Mall, and a host of others fall under their domain. And on the regulation's face, the intent seems something we can all get behind: to protect our national treasures from destruction by large filming crews and the complicated and heavy equipment that might accompany them. Much like restrictions on equipment such as snowmobiles, most of us would likely agree that some rules regarding how we use our public lands are justified, at least if we want our great great grandkids to see them the same way we have.

The concern of the SPJ and others, however, is the vague definition of "commercial." Will documentary filmmakers working with tiny budgets be required to pay for permits? Who qualifies under "news"? And worse yet, even if a crew is considered to be news, they won't need a permit, but will be "subject to time, place, and manner restrictions," again to protect the safety of the land and visiting public. Raise your hand if you like vague government restrictions about how the press can cover public issues.

Joy Division - Transmission 9-15-79



Butterfly factory

Geometric Parade

Wind powered lights. smart.

bright LED

name of design : spiral
design by : niklas löfberg from finland


designer's own words:
Spiral is an optimal outdoor lighting solution, as it uses wind to generate the required electricity. It consists of four main parts: pillar, generator, leds and translucent plastic shade. The translucent plastic shade, which is attached to a simple generator, acts as a vertical rotor. The generator in turn provides electricity for the leds which illuminate the rotating shade and it's surroundings. Spiral is durable and ecological because power cables are not needed and wind power is clean. It functions well even in mild wind conditions, it is silent and does not endanger birds. Spiral imitates nature as the changing wind conditions affect the brightness of its light to some extent. On a calm day the light is dimmer and in stormy weathers the light is very bright creating a natural link between the light and nature. If the light is considered as an important security factor or due to some other reason constant bright light needs to be guaranteed, a battery with a charger can be installed.

1 - in use

2 - how it works

3 - from different angles